Hi everyone
After such a challenging year, I hope that you are all slowing down, and can take a well earned break to reflect, rest and recharge.
Sharing some of my favourite articles from the great resources of Thriveglobal, who generously always share practical strategies for refuelling, checking in with our emotions and others, and giving ourselves the permission to regularly pause and unplug (not just at this time of year).
Thank you to all my clients for your continued support, and for prioritising your wellbeing and development for yourself and your team. It has been a privilege to deliver workshops and coaching to you virtually. I will continue to do this in 2021, as well as re introduce face to face sessions again, based on your needs, and the Covid situation.
Stay safe and well in these rapidly changing times with the Covid situation in Australia and worldwide.
Wishing you a relaxing and meaningful festive season, and a happy, healthy, successful and easier 2021.
Happy holidays! Be kind to yourself and others!
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