Wendy delivers keynote presentations in person or virtually through Zoom or your preferred platform. She presents and speaks at conferences on various topics, to share her knowledge, experience, and to inspire others.
She can add value to your conference professional development days, or your organisation’s in house session.
She interacts and involves her audience to engage them, whether face to face or virtual.
Some of the recent conferences she has spoken at are:
- AusContact Association – Queensland Heartonomics: how emotional intelligence impacts the bottom line
- National EA and PA Conference – Building emotional intelligence for enhanced performance in the diverse workplace
- Coaching, Mentoring and Skill Transfer Conference – Conflict Resolution Coaching
- Australasian Gastro Intestinal Trials Group conference (AGITG) – Time Management tips
- Australian Association of Practice Managers Conference (AAPM) – surfing the wave of change: presentation on leadership, change and Emotional Intelligence
- Wendy has conducted various interactive sessions as part of organisation’s conferences and professional development seminars (teambuilding, communication skills, emotional intelligence, neuroscience, leadership, behavioural styles)